Microsoft OneDrive and Google are NOT Backups

Microsoft OneDrive and Google are NOT Backups

Cloud providers and secure data storage can be confusing for anyone. Consumers can find these services for free. The problem is people mistake cloud storage and backups to be the same thing, but they aren’t. Cloud storage services, such as OneDrive or Google Drive,...
INTERNET EXPLORER Browser NOT recommended

INTERNET EXPLORER Browser NOT recommended

We sometimes get comfortable with products that we know. We like certain items from the grocery store that have been a staple in our home. It might also be reassuring to sit down at the computer and pull up what has always worked for us in the past. Now comes the,...
Stay Vigilant with Info Security

Stay Vigilant with Info Security

As you are aware, the world is experiencing major turmoil with the Russian invasion into Ukraine. CISA (Cyber Infrastructure Security Agency) has put out several statements to ensure that we stay vigilant with our online safety. NGT realizes that we have highlighted...
Information Security is Vital

Information Security is Vital

Information security is such an important part of the information world today. This linked article is about the ransomware that attacked the Irish healthcare system. HHS: Conti ransomware encrypted 80% of Ireland’s HSE IT systems ( We share...
PASSWORD MONITORS within browsers

PASSWORD MONITORS within browsers

Microsoft Edge and Chrome both have systems that review passwords you have saved inside of the Chrome or Edge browsers.  The password monitor will warn you if a password is found to be part of a leak.  You may enable this protection in each of the browsers.  Make sure...