I was sitting in church the other day, and the pastor wanted to show a quick clip of a video from YouTube. The pastor had a great build up to the clip, and he nodded at the assistant and . . . . . . . . . . . . . nothing. YouTube just sat and spun . . . . and spun . . . . . and spun . . . . and . . . . . . well you get the point.
We all encounter these situations. Here are some tips to help navigate them.
Why does this happen?
That is the problem. There are A LOT of variables in network computer systems. So why this happens isn’t always an easy answer. It can be many things, including:
- Your end device (computer/phone/tablet)
- The wireless signal inside your building/home
- Network infrastructure such as switches and wires inside your building / home
- Your router / firewall
- Your internet provider’s equipment at your home/building
- The internet provider’s connection to the world
- Any place between you and the service (YouTube in this case) equipment
- YouTube itself . . . . .

Ultimately some of these items are outside of your control. However, for most items, there are a lot of things you can do to help yourself at home and work. Here are some items to help:
- Reboot (restart) your phone/computer/tablet.
- If there are errors with the device a reboot will fix many of them.
- Reboot your wireless access point and/or router.
- Depending upon your environment rebooting the wireless every month or 2 will help with reliability. I personally reboot my home access point once a month and it really helps!
- Rebooting your network router.
- Again, depending upon your environment rebooting a router will clear out memory errors and make things faster / more reliable.
For corporate clients with NGT, you will find NGT is often doing these during maintenance windows.
- Again, depending upon your environment rebooting a router will clear out memory errors and make things faster / more reliable.
- Having a good internet provider is important. We are lucky that in the Midwest we have many strong service providers.
- If you are unsure of this, please contact NGT. We are more than happy to help recommend / suggest!
I have done all the things that I know how to do, what
else can I do?
You are welcome to contact NGT; we are glad to steer you in the right direction!
How do I get in touch with NGT?
We are glad to provide some advise!
Follow this link: http://www.ngthelp.com to email, chat, or call!